Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment
PI: Nadia Fairbairn (BC Centre on Substance Use, BC)
Leadership Group: Bernard Le Foll (CAMH, ON); Christy Sutherland (Portland Hotel Society, BC); Jeffrey Turnbull (Ottawa Inner City Health, ON); Karine Meador & Michael Trew (Alberta Health Services, AB); Marie-Ève Goyer (University of Montréal, QC); Michel Perreault (McGill University, QC)
The purpose of this thematic area is to facilitate and support the successful delivery of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) in Canada through educational resources, development of best practices and recommendations, and monitoring and evaluation. The projects is made up of five sub-projects as follows:
National iOAT guideline
A national committee of experts in addiction medicine and opioid agonist treatment, as well as patients, will be convened to review the scientific evidence for iOAT and develop best practices and recommendations for real-world clinical settings. This will be presented in two national guidelines, one focused on clinical procedures, and one focused on implementation.
Environmental scan of iOAT services
Current services that provide iOAT across Canada will be documented and described in order to evaluate change over time, present a variety of successful models and identify areas where there is an urgent need for iOAT expansion.
National community of practice
Connect and engage a national group of healthcare providers and service delivery leaders to create a virtual, online community with the goal of sharing success stories and challenges, sharing resources, and participating in educational activities.
Research and evaluation
An evaluation of iOAT services across a variety of settings in Canada will be conducted in order to generate a national dataset that can inform how best to scale-up delivery and to demonstrate impact on the opioid crisis.
Knowledge mobilization
Using the resources developed and data collected in the projects described above, educational materials, summaries, and policy briefs will be developed for dissemination to service providers and key stakeholders in order to advocate for iOAT expansion and to train the next generation of providers.
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