- The Honourable Ya’ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, announced an investment of $6 million through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy (CDSS) to expand and increase the impact of the Canadian Research Initiative on Substance Matters (CRISM). This new funding includes $4 million to create a Network Coordinating Centre and $2 million to develop an Indigenous Engagement Platform that will work collaboratively across the research network.
- Dr. David Hodgins at the University of Calgary will lead the CRISM Network Coordinating Centre. Dr. Hodgins and his team will establish four core platforms, including one to co-create knowledge mobilization products and activities with stakeholders and partners, and a training and capacity building platform that includes research placements and scholarships as well as mentorship opportunities for early career researchers and Indigenous scholars across all network nodes. The Network Coordinating Centre will also facilitate a trials and project support platform to facilitate clinical trials, research studies and data sharing, and a platform to create processes and tools for the production of guidelines and best practice documents.
- Dr. Robert Henry at the University of Saskatchewan will lead the development of the CRISM Indigenous Engagement Platform. Using distinctions-based and community-led approaches, Dr. Henry and his team will strengthen and increase Indigenous involvement across CRISM’s regional nodes by advising the Network Coordinating Centre on Indigenous research priorities, improving Indigenous engagement at all levels, and supporting CRISM to improve Indigenous health and well-being through Indigenous-driven efforts. The platform will include five core pillars: knowledge translation and mobilization, training of Indigenous students, Indigenous research priorities designed with Indigenous community partners, improving Indigenous methodologies for CRISM, and development of an Indigenous evaluation framework.
Links to the various announcements
- News release
- https://www.canada.ca/en/institutes-health-research/news/2024/06/government-of-canada-invests-in-national-coordination-and-indigenous-led-research-on-effective-substance-use-interventions.html
- https://www.canada.ca/fr/instituts-recherche-sante/nouvelles/2024/06/le-gouvernement-du-canada-investit-dans-un-centre-de-coordination-national-et-une-plateforme-de-mobilisation-des-autochtones-pour-la-recherche-sur-.html
- X/Twitter
- LinkedIn (It will be posted on CIHR’s LinkedIn around 6 pm.)
- CRISM is happy to inform you of the following changes to its name:
- English: Canadian research initiative in substance Matters
- French : Initiative canadienne de recherche sur les impacts des substances psychoactives
The term «Misuse» in the name has been contentious for some time, with node members calling to change it. To keep the CRISM acronym and branding, «Matters» is replacing misuse as it is more accurate to the consortium’s reach and breath.
French required 2 changes, thus modifying the acronym from ICRAS to ICRIS.
Thank you for being supportive of this change.
- It is our great pleasure to share the very good news that CRISM Prairies and the national CRISM network are renewed for an additional six-years (to 2028)!
The Prairie Node team would like to thank each member of the network for providing ideas, feedback, and support during the renewal application process. We look forward to collaborating with new partners and enhancing existing relationships during this next phase. There are now five nodes in the network including: British Columbia (NPI Evan Wood), Prairies (NPI David Hodgins), Ontario (NPI Jürgen Rehm), Quebec (NPI Julie Bruneau), and Atlantic (NPI Sherry Stewart).
Congratulations to the CRISM Prairies network! We look forward to this important work ahead!-
- You can read the official announcement in the Government of Canada news release.
- Meet the new Prairie Node leadership team.
- The Research Development Grant program is offering six $10,000 grants this year, with review taking place 4 times per year.
- The Research Development Grant program will reopen for applications on September 1 2022.
- View the first 33 projects funded under this program.
- We will be offering six $2,000 Knowledge Translation grants as well on a first-come first-served basis.
- We will continue the CRISM-AHS Advancement of Analytics in Substance Use program
- Be sure to visit our publications page where we host 100s of publications from Node members, available here.
- CRISM’s first clinical trial (OPTIMA) is complete and the publications are available here.
- During the early stages of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the national CRISM network brought experts from across the country together, developing six national guidance documents in just three months, to address the urgent needs of people who use substances, service providers, and decision makers.
- Nationally CRISM also undertook twelve Emerging Health Threat Implementation Science Program initiatives, with each node facilitating three initiatives according to regional strengths and expertise. While these projects will continue, bridging our transition into the next phase, one example of the resources produced to date from these efforts is the website Why SCS: Information about Supervised Consumption Services in Canada. Evidence briefs and accompanying infographics are available on the website in English, French, and Spanish.
- These are some of the many successes we’re building on for our work ahead as CRISM 2.0!
- CRISM will be updating the 2018 National Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Guideline.
Please view the Newsletters and Bulletins for more information.
What is CRISM?
CRISM is the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Matters.
Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), CRISM (previously known as the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse), is a national network of researchers, service providers, policy makers and people with lived experience. CRISM ’s overall objective is to translate evidence-based interventions for substance misuse into clinical practice, community-based prevention, harm reduction, and health system changes. Our intent is to support the creation of more effective, personal, and adoptable intervention programs and services. The National CRISM website may be found at: www.crism.ca
What is the CRISM Prairie Node?
Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba have excellent researchers investigating substance use/addiction interventions (including prevention, harm reduction and specialty-based addiction treatment) delivered in the clinic, the community, and in academic research settings. Each Province funds treatment and prevention of substance use/addiction and has developed strategic plans through their respective Ministries of Health and Regional Health Authorities. But to date, these assets have operated either in isolation, or as part of small provincial teams.
Become A Member
Interested researchers, service providers, and decision-makers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the 3 Territories are invited to become members of the CRISM Prairie Node. Members will have access to CRISM resources and support, and we anticipate that Members will become more or less active in the Node depending on opportunities and interests. If you would like to become affiliated with the CRISM Prairie Node, please access the online survey link below. It takes no more than 10 minutes to complete the questions. The survey asks about you and your interests, and by completing it, you will help us tailor regional Node activities to your interests. The information we collect will be used for planning purposes, will be stored securely in a password-protected network, and will be used to develop a Node member database.
Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Supported by
What’s New?
- If you missed our webinar on treating Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) in psychosocial settings you can find the webinar and other resources here.
- CRISM has released a new website on Supervised Consumption Services in Canada. Find out more here!
- Many upcoming conferences have moved to a Virtual Platform…view upcoming conferences here
- CRISM Prairies has added a page on substance use guidelines to our website. We are delighted to host the Management of Substance Use in Acute Care Settings in Alberta: Guidance Document
- CRISM member Dr. Ginette Poulin discusses cannabis edibles in this Global News Segment
- CRISM releases a report and infographic on experiences of PWLLE working on the front line. Access them here!
- New Training Opportunity: The BCCSU Addiction Medicine Fellowship program is now accepting applications. Access the site here!
- Looking for information on Cannabis or Opioids? Check out our new pages and fact sheets
- Prairie Node has developed interactive dashboards for you to learn more about our membership
- Please refer to our page: Publications by CRISM Prairie Node members
- OPTIMA Trial publications. Access them here!
- Evaluation of an infographic: prescription drug misuse among older adults in Saskatchewan.
- Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
- Leaving emergency departments without completing treatment among First Nations and non-First Nations patients in Alberta: a mixed-methods study.
- Cannabis legalization and hospitalizations in Alberta: Interrupted time series analysis by age and sex.
- Benzodiazepine use in medical cannabis authorization adult patients from 2013 to 2021: Alberta, Canada.
- Capacity, Rationality, and the Promotion of Autonomy: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Refusals of Care After Opioid Poisoning.
- Caring for Hospitalized Adults With Opioid Use Disorder in the Era of Fentanyl: A Review.
- A Longitudinal Investigation of Lower-Risk Gambling Limits in the Canadian National Study.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences and Problematic Cannabis Use: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation and Affective Impulsivity.
- The need for an expanded, evidence-based public health response to the overdose crisis and the toxic drug supply in Canada.
- Factors associated with frequent buprenorphine / naloxone initiation in a national survey of Canadian emergency physicians.
- An emergency-department-initiated outreach program for patients with opioid use disorder is associated with an increase in agonist therapy and engagement in addictions care: a one-year cohort study.
- Perspectives of patients who inject drugs on a needle and syringe program at a large acute care hospital.
- Medical cannabis authorization and risk of emergency department visits and hospitalization due to psychotic disorders: A propensity score-matched cohort study.
- Assessing support for mental health policies among policy influencers and the general public in Alberta and Manitoba, Canada. Navigating the Complex Intersection of Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders: A Comprehensive Review.
- Updated Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines
Research Studies
- The CRISM OPTIMA trial has finished. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this study a success!
- Click on the link to be taken to our Conferences/Meetings page
Feature Items
- RxFiles is a Canadian drug information resource that produces evidence-based booklets on a wide range of health issues, including substance use. Access RxFiles materials here.
- AHS Announces Practice Standards for Addiction Counselors
- CCSA: Summary of Provincial and Territorial Cannabis Regulations
- Video Series – #SeeTheLives
- Crackdown – a new podcast series about the drug war
- Check Out The Powerful Documentary Painkiller