Colleen Dell Publications
Select publications
- Dell CA, Pavelich AR, Stempien J. (2024). Therapy dogs contribute to a more ‘caring’ emergency department environment for patients with mental health and substance use challenges. CJEM. 2024 Sep 28.
- Dell, C., Kosteniuk, B., Doi, C., Chalmers, D., & Butt, P. (2024). The role of the human-canine bond in recovery from substance use disorder: A scoping review and narrative synthesis. Human-Animal Interactions. 2024 12.1.
- Smith S, Dell CA, Claypool T, Chalmers D, Khalid A. (2023). Case report: A community case study of the human-animal bond in animal-assisted therapy: the experiences of psychiatric prisoners with therapy dogs. Front Psychiatry. 14:1219305.
- Gibson M, Dell CA, Chalmers D, Rath G, Mela M. (2023). Unleashing compassionate care: canine-assisted intervention as a promising harm reduction approach to prisonization in Canada and its relevance to forensic psychiatry. Front Psychiatry. 14:1219096.
- Kosteniuk B, Dell CA, Cruz M, Chalmers D. (2023). An Experiential Approach to Canine-Assisted Learning in Corrections for Prisoners Who Use Substances. J Forensic Nurs. 19(3):197-203.
- Gibson M, Williamson L, Dell CA. (2023). Insights into Canadians’ Perceptions of Service Dogs in Public Spaces. Animals (Basel). 13(19):3091.
- Kamal AM, Dell CA, Kang T. (2023). Recognizing Zooeyia to Promote Companion Animal Welfare in Urban Bangladesh. Animals (Basel). 13(9):1523.
- Scheck, H., Williamson, L., Dell, C. (2022). “Understanding Forensic Psychiatric Patients’ Experience of Virtual Animal-Assisted Therapy Sessions During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice. 5(1), 1-8.
- Dell, C., Mills, S., Goodfellow, H., Cruz, M. (2022). “A Novel Approach to Supporting Student Mental Health in the University Classroom with Therapy Dogs”. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
- Gibson, M., Chalmers, D., Ru, S. (2022). “My Lifeline is Gone: An Exploration of the Experiences of Veterans Following the Loss of their Psychiatric Service Dogs” . Human Animal Interaction Bulletin. 11:3, 54-74.
- Carey B, Dell CA, Stempien J, Tupper S, Rohr B, Carr E, Cruz M, Acoose S, Butt P, Broberg L, Collard L, Fele-Slaferek L, Fornssler C, Goodridge D, Gunderson J, McKenzie H, Rubin J, Shand J, Smith J, Trask J, Ukrainetz K, Meier S. Outcomes of a controlled trial with visiting therapy dog teams on pain in adults in an emergency department. PLoS One. 17(3):e0262599.
- Gibson, M., Williamson, L., Dell, C., Chalmers, D., DeGroot, P. (2021). Insight into Social Influences on Veterans’ Use of Medical Cannabis to Manage their PTSD Symptoms. Journal of Veterans Studies.
- Dell, C. (2021). Dogs as Co-researchers. In L. Kogan and P. Erdman (Eds.). Career Paths in Human-Animal Interaction for Social and Behavioural Scientists. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Williamson, L., Dell, C., Osgood, N., Chalmers, D., Lohnes, C., Carleton, N., Asmundson, G. 2021. “Examining Changes in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Substance Use among a Sample of Canadian Veterans Working with Service Dogs: An Exploratory Patient-oriented Longitudinal study”. Journal of Veterans Studies. 9(11). pp. 1-13.
- Gibson, M., Williamson, L., Henwood, G., Chalmers, D., Dell, C.D. (2021). Perceptions and use of alcohol and medical cannabis among Canadian military veterans living with PTSD. Journal of Veterans Studies. 7(1), 59–70.
- Gillett, J.,Dell, C., McKinnon, J., Weldeick, R., Boyd, J., Protopopescu, A., Qureshi, A., Cameron, D., McCable, R. (2020). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Savelli, Gillett, and Andrews (Eds.). Introduction to Mental Health and Illness: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
- Reddekopp, J, Dell, C., Rohr, B., Fornssler, B., Gibson, M., Carey, B., Stempien, J. 2020. “Patient Opinion of Visiting Therapy Dogs in a Hospital Emergency Department”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Special Issue: Companion Animals. 17(8): 2968.
- Wright, L., Dell, C., First Nations Information Governance Centre. (2020). Smoking Among First Nations Youth Living On-Reserve and in Northern Communities: A Mixed Methods Study. The International Indigenous Policy Journal. 11(4).
- Lalonde, R., Claypool, T., Dell, C.. (2020). PAWS Your Stress: The Student Experience of Therapy Dog Programming. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education. 11(2).
- Chalmers, D, Dell, C., Rohr, B., Dixon, J., Dowling, T., Hanrahan, C. (2020). Recognizing Animals as an Important Part of Helping: A Survey Exploring Knowledge and Practice Among Canadian Social Workers. Critical Social Work. 21(1).
- Kosteniuk, B. and Dell, C. (2020). How companion animals support recovery from opioid addiction: An exploratory study of patients in a methadone maintenance treatment program. APORIA Journal. 12(1).
- Bethune, R., Absher, N., Obiagwa, M.., Yaghoubi, M., Steeves, M., Tikoo, R., Qarmout, T., Dell, C., Szafron, M., Farag, M. (2019). Social Determinants of Self-reported Health for Canada’s Indigenous Peoples: A Public Health Approach. Public Health.
- Dell, C., Chalmers, D., Stobbe, M., Rohr, B., Husband, A. (2019). Animal Assisted Therapy in a Canadian Psychiatric Prison. International Journal of Prisoner Health. 15(3), 209-231.
- Dell, C., Chalmers, D., Cole, D., Dixon, J. (2019). Accessing Relational Connections in Prison: An Evaluation of the John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program at Stony Mountain Institution. The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research. 8, 13-68.
- Husband, A., Ahmed, A., & Dell, C (2019). An exploratory case study of the impact of psychiatric service dogs on problematic substance use among PTSD-diagnosed veterans. Journal of Substance Use.
- Hyshka, E., Anderson-Baron, L., Pugh, A., Belle-Isle, L., Hathaway, A., Pauly, B., Strike, C., Asbridge, M., Dell, C., McBride, K., Tupper, K., Wild, C. (2019). Principles, practice, and policy vacuums: Policy actor views on provincial/territorial harm reduction policy in Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy. 71, 142-149.
- Stempien, James; Broberg, Lindsey; Husband, Alicia; Jurke, Lacey; Rohr, Betty; Smith, Jane; Rubin, Joseph; Tupper, Susan; Goodridge, Donna; Fornssler, Cathie; and Fele-Slaferek, Logan; Dell, Colleen A. (2019). A Case Study of the Patient Experience of Emergency Department Wait Times. Patient Experience Journal. 6(1):115-126.
- Wendt, D., Hartmann, W., Allen, J., Burack, J., Charles, B., D’Amico, E., Dell, C. . . Walls, M. (2019). Substance Use Research with Indigenous Communities: Exploring and Extending Foundational Principles of Community Psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology. 64(1-2), 146-158.
- Anna-Belle the Therapy Dog, with the assistance of C. Dell, G. Sewap, B. McAllister, J. Bachiu. (2018). “She Makes Me Feel Comfortable”: Understanding the Impacts of Animal Assisted Therapy at a Methadone Clinic. Canadian Journal of Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research. 9:57-65.
- Chalmers, D., Dell, C., Rohr, B., Dixon, J., Dowling, T. (2018). Social Work and Human Animal Interactions: A Canadian Prairies Survey on Knowledge and Practice. Critical Social Work.
- Dell, D. Chalmers, J. Gillett, M. Steeves, B. Rohr, B. Fornssler, A. Husband, H. McKenzie, O. Iwajomo, C. Nickel. (2018). Effects of a Therapy Dog Program on the Wellbeing of Older Veterans Living in a Long Term Care Residence. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin. 6(2),83-102.
- McQuaid, R. and C. Dell. (2018). Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada: Examining Gender Pathways with a Focus on the Female Experience. Alcohol Treatment Quarterly. 1-18.
- Cook JL, Green CR, de la Ronde S, Dell CA, Graves L, Morgan L, Ordean A, Ruiter J, Steeves M, Wong S. (2017). Screening and Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy: A Review. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 39(10):897-905.
- Cook JL, Green CR, de la Ronde S, Dell CA, Graves L, Ordean A, Ruiter J, Steeves M, Wong S. (2017). Epidemiology and Effects of Substance Use in Pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Can.39(10):906-915.
- Fiedeldey-Van Dijk C, Rowan M, Dell C, Mushquash C, Hopkins C, Fornssler B, Hall L, Mykota D, Farag M, Shea B. (2017). Honoring Indigenous culture-as-intervention: Development and validity of the Native Wellness AssessmentTM. J Ethn Subst Abuse. 16(2):181-218.
- Hyshka, E., Anderson-Baron,J., Karekezi, K., Belle-Isle, L., Elliott, R., Pauly, B., Strike, C., Asbridge, M., Dell, C., McBride, K., Hathaway, A., & Wild, T.C. (2017). Harm reduction in name but not substance: A comparative analysis of Canadian provincial and territorial policy frameworks. Harm Reduction Journal, 14,50.
- Kiemele E, Dell CA, Hopkins C, Beckstead J, Fromson JA. (2017). Reconciling America’s Research Response to Binge Drinking among American Indians and Alaskan Natives. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 28(3):860-868.
- C. Lewis-Laietmark , A. Wettlaufer, K. Shield, N. Giesbrecht, N. April, M. Asbridge, C.A. Dell, J. Rehm, T. Stockwell. (2017). The Effects of Alcohol-Related Harms to Others on Self-perceived Mental Well-being in a Canadian Sample. International Journal of Public Health. pp. 1-10.
- Rafferty, E., Bonner, A., Code, J., McBride, K., Andkhoie, M., Tikoo, R., McClean, S., Dell, C., Szafron, M., Faraq, M. (2017). Factors Influencing Risky Single Occasion Drinking in Canada and Policy Implications. Archives of Public Health. 75:22 pp.1-11.
- C. Stirbys, P. Young, C. Dell▪, J. Wilson, L. LaLiberte, S. Pooyak, S. Taylor, R. Duncan, D. Mykota. (2017). Branching Out: Insights About Research Development from Participatory Action and Indigenous Approaches to Research. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri – Pimatisiwin. 2:1. pp. 29-46.
- Wild, T., Pauly, B., Belle-Isle, L., Cavalieri, W., Elliott, R., Strike, C., Tupper, K., Hathaway, A., Dell, C., MacPherson, D., Sinclair, C., Karekezi, K., Tan, B., Hyshka, E. (2017) Canadian Harm Reduction Policies: A Comparative Content Analysis of Provincial and Territorial Documents, 2000-2015”. International Journal of Drug Policy. 45, 9-17.
- H. McKenzie, B. Fornssler, C. Dell. (2016). Understanding Addictions among Indigenous People through Social Determinants of Health Frameworks and Strength-Based Approaches: a Review of the Research Literature from 2013 to 2016. 2016. Current Addiction Report. pp 1-9.
- Adams C, Arratoon C, Boucher J, Cartier G, Chalmers D, Dell CA, Dell D, Dryka D, Duncan R, Dunn K, Hopkins C, Longclaws L, MacKinnon T, Sauve E, Spence S, Wuttunee M. (2015). The Helping Horse: How Equine Assisted Learning Contributes to the Wellbeing of First Nations Youth in Treatment for Volatile Substance Misuse. Hum Anim Interact Bull. 1(1):52-75.
- Bartlett, D. Robertson-Boersma, C. Dell, D. Mykota. (2015). Starting from a Theoretical and Empirical Evidence Base: Development of a Coalition-Centred Student Binge Drinking Prevention Initiative on a Canadian University Campus. University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal. 1:2, pp. 18-34.
- Chalmers D, Dell CA. (2015). Applying One Health to the Study of Animal-Assisted Interventions. Ecohealth. 12(4):560-2.
- Dell CA, Poole N. (2015). Taking a PAWS to Reflect on How the Work of a Therapy Dog Supports a Trauma-Informed Approach to Prisoner Health. J Forensic Nurs. 11(3):167-73.
- Dell CA. (2015). Questioning “Fluffy”: A Dog’s Eye View of Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAI) in the Treatment of Substance Misuse. Subst Use Misuse. 50(8-9):1148-52.
- C. Dell, D. Chalmers, J. Gillett, B. Rohr, C. Nickel, L. Campbell, R. Hanoski, J. Haguerud, A. Husband, C. Stephenson, M. Brydges. (2015). PAWSing student stress: A Pilot Study of the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program on Three Canadian Campuses. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 49:4, pp. 332-359.
- Hall L, Dell CA, Fornssler B, Hopkins C, Mushquash C, Rowan M. (2015). Research as Cultural Renewal: Applying Two-Eyed Seeing in a Research Project about Cultural Interventions in First Nations Addictions Treatment. Int Indig Policy J. 6(2):1-15.
- Robertson-Boersma D, Butt P, Dell CA. (2015). Reflections on How a University Binge Drinking Prevention Initiative Supports Alcohol Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Student Alcohol Use. Yale J Biol Med. 88(3):339-46.
- Rowan M, Poole N, Shea B, Mykota D, Farag M, Hopkins C, Hall L, Mushquash C, Fornssler B, Dell CA. (2015). A scoping study of cultural interventions to treat addictions in Indigenous populations: methods, strategies and insights from a Two-Eyed Seeing approach. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 10:26.
- C. Davey, A. Niccols, J. Henderson, M. Dobbins, W. Sword, C. Dell, T. Wylde, E. Sauve. (2014). Predictors of Research Use Among Staff in Aboriginal Addiction Treatment Programs Serving Women. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. 13:4, pp. 315-336.
- Fornssler B, McKenzie HA, Dell CA, Laliberte L, Hopkins C. (2014). “I Got to Know Them in a New Way”: Rela(y/t)ing Rhizomes and Community-Based Knowledge (Brokers’) Transformation of Western and Indigenous Knowledge. Cult Stud Crit Methodol. 14(2):179-193.
- Masching R, Dell CA, Egan JP, McHugh NG, Lee D, Prentice T, Storm L, Thomas C, McGee A, Dale-Harris H. (2014). The Complexities of Accessing Care and Treatment: Understanding Alcohol Use by Aboriginal Persons Living with HIV and AIDS. Canadi J Aborig Community Based HIV/AIDS Res. 6(1):70-94.
- M. Rowan, N. Poole, B. Shea, D. Mykota, M. Farag, C. Hopkins, L. Hall, C. Mushquash, B. Fornssler, C. Dell. (2014). Cultural Interventions to Treat Addictions in Indigenous Populations: Findings from a Scoping Study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 9:34;1-26.
- Dell CA, Duncan CR, DesRoches A, Bendig M, Steeves M, Turner H, Quaife T, McCann C, Enns B. (2013). Back to the basics: identifying positive youth development as the theoretical framework for a youth drug prevention program in rural Saskatchewan, Canada amidst a program evaluation. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 8:36.
- Lang K, Neil J, Wright J, Dell CA, Berenbaum S, El-Aneed A. (2013). Qualitative investigation of barriers to accessing care by people who inject drugs in Saskatoon, Canada: perspectives of service providers. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 8:35.
- R. Taghizadeh Asl, B. Eshrati, C. Dell, K. Taylor, P. Afshar, M. Kamali, A. Mirzazadeh. (2013). Outcome Assessment of a Triangular Clinic as a Harm Reduction Intervention in Rajaee-Shahr Prison, Iran. Journal of Harm Reduction. 10:41, pp. 1-12.
- Dell CA, Dell D, Cruz S, Balster R. (2012). Volatile substance misuse: a look into the future. Can J Public Health. 103(6):e473.
- Dell CA, Kilty JM. (2012). The creation of the expected Aboriginal woman drug offender in Canada: Exploring relations between victimization, punishment, and cultural identity. Int Rev Vict. 19(1):1-18.
- Dell CA, Roberts G, Kilty J, Taylor K, Daschuk M, Hopkins C, Dell D. (2012). Researching Prescription Drug Misuse among First Nations in Canada: Starting from a Health Promotion Framework. Subst Abuse. 6:23-31.
- R. Bone, C. Dell▪, M. Koskie, M. Kushniruk, C. Shorting. (2011). The Lived Experience of Volatile Substance Misuse: How Support Contributes to Recovery and Sustained Wellbeing. Substance Use & Misuse: An International Interdisciplinary Forum. 47(S1), pp. 119-127.
- Chalmers and C. Dell. (2011). Equine-Assisted Therapy as an Adjunct to Solvent Abuse Treatment for First Nations Youth: A Key Consideration for Building an Empirical Knowledge Base. Native Studies Review. Special invitation. 20(1), pp. 59-87.
- C. Dell, D. Chalmers, N. Bresette, S. Swain, D. Rankin, C. Hopkins. (2011). A Healing Space: The Experiences of First Nations and Inuit Youth with Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL). Child and Youth Care Forum. 40(2), pp. 319-336.
- Dell CA, Desjarlais V, Kilty JM. (2011). This is Who I Am: Aboriginal Women’s Healing from Criminalization and Problematic Drug Use. J Prison Prisons. 20(1),58-71.
- Dell CA, Seguin M, Hopkins C, Tempier R, Mehl-Madrona L, Dell D, Duncan R, Mosier K. (2011). From benzos to berries: treatment offered at an Aboriginal youth solvent abuse treatment centre relays the importance of culture. Can J Psychiatry. 56(2),75-83.
- Dell CA, Gust SW, MacLean S. (2011). Global issues in volatile substance misuse. Subst Use Misuse. 46 Suppl 1:1-7.
- K. Lang, A. El-Aneed, S. Berenbaum, C. Dell, J. Wright, Z. Teed McKay. (2011). Qualitative Assessment of Crisis Services among Persons Using Injection Drugs in the City of Saskatoon. Journal of Substance Use. 18:1, pp. 3-11.
- Tempier, A., Dell, C., Elder Papaquash, C., Duncan, R., Tempier, R. (2011). Awakening: ‘Spontaneous Recovery’ from Substance Abuse among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. The International Indigenous Policy Journal. 2(1), pp.1-18.
2010 and earlier
- C. Dell, T. Lyons, K. Cayer. (2010). The Role of ‘Kijigabandan’ and ‘Manadjitowin’ in Understanding Harm Reduction Policies and Programs for Aboriginal Peoples. Native Social Work Journal. 7, pp. 109-138.
- Niccols A, Dell CA, Clarke S. (2010). Treatment Issues for Aboriginal Mothers with Substance Use Problems and Their Children. Int J Ment Health Addict.8(2),320-335.
- Acoose S, Blunderfield D, Dell CA, Desjarlais V. (2009). Beginning with Our Voices: How the Experiential Stories of First Nations Women Contribute to a National Research Project. J Aborig Health. 4(2),35-43.
- Balster, S. Cruz, M. Howard, C. Dell, L. Cottler, (2009). Classification of Abused Inhalants. Addiction. 104(6), pp. 878-882(5).
- C. Dell, C. Fillmore, J. Kilty. (2009). Looking Back 10 Years After the Arbour Inquiry: Ideology, Policy, Practice and the ‘Misbehaved’ Federal Female Prisoner. The Prison Journal. 9(3), pp. 286-308.
- Sarkar M, Burnett M, Carrière S, Cox LV, Dell CA, Gammon H, Geller B, Koren G, Lee L, Midmer D, Mousmanis P, Schuurmans N, Senikas V, Soucy D, Wood R; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Advisory Workgroup. (2009). Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women. Can J Clin Pharmacol. 16(1),e242-63.
- Cormier RA, Dell CA, Poole N. (2004). Women and Substance Abuse Problems. BMC Womens Health.4 Suppl 1:S8.
- Dell, D. Chalmers, D. Dell, E. Sauve, T. MacKinnon. (2008). Horse as Healer: An Examination of Equine Assisted Learning in the Healing of First Nations Youth from Solvent Abuse. Pimitisiwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health. 6(10), pp. 81-106.